Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cardin Athletics, What's Important?

As I started to write for this blog, I asked myself that one simple question, “What is important to our community in regards to Cardin athletics?”

So, what is important? Is it the wins? Is it the popularity? Is it pride? Is it the sportsmanship? Is it the character-building opportunities? Is it the effect it has on admissions?

Honestly, the list could go on and on, but the truth is, that it’s all of the above. Cardin prides itself on a value system focused around sportsmanship and healthy competition. I am reminded of this every time I watch one of our sporting events, but was most recently reminded of it during our AIMS visit this past week. Going over our program with the AIMS committee, I realized just how important our athletics program has been, currently is, and will continue to be to our school. To summarize what our athletics program is all about I’ll quote an excerpt from our website:

"Athletics is an integral part of the total education process at The Shoshana S. Cardin School. Our competitive team sports program focuses on mastering sports skills while encouraging physical fitness, teamwork, leadership, discipline, loyalty, and a sense of healthy competition. In addition, Cardin Athletics provides an occasion for a shared experience with all members of the school community, building school spirit and unity."

Now, reading that and then going out and watching one of our basketball games, everything starts making sense. With the support of our community, the leadership and determination of our coaches/teachers, and the drive and willingness to learn of our students, our athletics program becomes important in all aspects of our school.

So, what is important?

Is it the wins? Of course it is!! We are a competitive high school program!!

Is it the popularity? Of course it is!! There are few things in life which serve such a positive purpose in a high school student’s life, while also being the “popular” thing to do.

Is it the pride? Of course it is!! We have high school students competing and pushing themselves to their physical breaking points. Pride is a necessity to sustain the ups and downs of athletics.

Is it the sportsmanship? Of course it is!! Our students and coaches know that they are representing Cardin and that a strong value of our school is Derech Eretz. So at all times we must consider how we are conducting ourselves with propriety and respect in relationship to others.

Is it the character-building opportunities? Again, of course it is!! Leadership, discipline, hard work, perseverance, accountability, and this list never stops.

Is it admissions? Yes, and this is probably the one area where people are affected and nobody ever knows it. Athletics is one of the driving forces behind a student's decision about where to apply. Even if a student never plans on playing a sport, knowing that the opportunity to be proud of his or her school due to athletics plays an important role in that student’s decision. How we look, how we act, and how we play directly affects the greater community’s perspective of our school. When we have a full gym of excited fans and we have a team that looks and acts like they want to go compete, we are selling our school.

Our school is an integrated machine and every aspect of every department plays a vital role in the life of our school. Our students work extremely hard in the classroom and after a more than 8 hours of academics, a large percentage of these students dedicate another 2-3 hours to our school through participation in athletics. It’s obvious that athletics at our school is important for numerous reasons, and due to the hard work and dedication of our students we are able to have a strong athletics program.

So come out and support our students as they make it possible for Cardin to shine outside of the classroom. See firsthand just how well our students represent our school and how important it is that we continue to support and encourage them. The next home games are Thursday, December 16 with the girls playing Key School at 4pm and the boys playing Waldorf at 5:30pm. All home games are at the Park Heights JCC.

Special thanks to the seniors on our basketball teams: Hadassah Emuna, Shira Glushakow-Smith, Ally Richmond, Beth Zaleon, Joey Danick, Alex Verovsky, Steven Verovsky, and Rubin Waranch. Also, thanks to the senior managers, Daniel Solomon and Zevi Lowenberg.

~Foye Minton
Athletic Director and Dean of Students

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