Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Telling the Cardin Story

Everyone has a story to share. Some tell theirs more fervently and with more conviction than others. The story of The Shoshana S. Cardin School demands that its telling be filled with enthusiasm and passion. After all, there is no place else in our community where a pluralistic Jewish education for high school students is available. That, in itself, is an amazing tale. Do you know the narrative of how our school evolved? Could you share the Cardin story with someone easily and tell it with conviction? If there are gaps in your knowledge about our history, please stop by and I will happily share details of how a small group of committed lay leaders, educators and rabbis had a dream that is now a reality.

In the world of philanthropy whether you are interested in ensuring a child’s Jewish education, providing crucial services to those in need, or concerned about a strong community, a combination of facts, narrative, personal experiences and emotion are necessary to inform supporters.

With the recent announcement of a generous matching grant from the Herbert Bearman Foundation, it is possible to make contributions to the Annual Fund Drive for The Shoshana S. Cardin School more effective. From now until June 30, 2010, The Bearman Foundation will match every new dollar from current donors at a level of 1:1 and every new donation at a level of 2:1 on all donations up to $25,000.

In the words of Head of School, Barbie B. Prince, “All donations raised from the Bearman Foundations’ generous matching grant will go directly to help us recruit exceptional faculty and sustain an enriching array of academic, visual and performing arts, athletic and co-curricular programs.”

As we move into the concluding weeks of this year’s campaign, you are encouraged to learn the Cardin tale and then tell it often to anyone willing to listen. As we engage friends and family in the Cardin story, we are asking them to become a part of it, writing the next line helping to be certain that while our students are Jewish today, they will be educated Jewish leaders tomorrow.

Now is a good time to ask/solicit/speak to others for their support. It’s not too late to make a difference. A gift in any amount is greatly appreciated.

Once upon a time…a great way to begin!

~Marjorie R. Hoffman
Director of Development and Marketing

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