Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Word from the Development Office

During the course of this academic year, we have joined a variety of organizations in an effort to make The Shoshana S. Cardin School more visible in the community and to take advantage of the vast opportunities for professional growth that they each offer. To that end, we are now members of The Pikesville Chamber of Commerce which has proven to be both enlightening and a wonderful network within the local community.

A colleague suggested that I become a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and pay particular attention to the local chapter. I promptly researched, only to discover that the international convention will be in Baltimore next month. How fortuitous! Thousands of people from around the world will gather to talk about ways of advancing our institutions. There are sessions for those of us representing smaller organizations and I look forward to learning from leaders in the field of development.

In reading the information about programs offered by the Maryland chapter, I noticed a section entitled Youth Philanthropy and was delighted to realize that, once again, Cardin is ahead of the curve. With our participation in Project ROPE ( Roots of Philanthropic Education) through RAVSAK, a team of students has been working with Head of School, Barbie Prince, to understand how and why Jewish tradition has mandated philanthropic giving for thousands of years and what the implications are for us today. They have begun to develop a basic knowledge of effective methods of philanthropy and have met with community leaders and donors including Matt Friedman of The Associated and Shoshana Cardin. Our students are working in collaboration with peers from selected schools across the country. Cardin is the only school in Maryland in the selected group.

The AFP in Maryland has an annual award specifically for youth-The Outstanding Youth Fundraiser Awards. Now I am going to download the application and enter our ROPE team in the local competition.

In a short time, I have discovered that we are advancing our mission in myriad ways and learning so much in the process.

Marjorie R. Hoffman
Director of Development and Marketing

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